The AMA project is hosted by the research group TranS-Mind of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS, including the following people:
- Dr. Thomas Bruhn (Physics, Group Leader)
- Valerie Voggenreiter (Global Change Management)
- Carolin Fraude (Education)
- Nicolai Herzog (Communication in Social and Economic Context)
- Prof. Mark Lawrence (Atmospheric Sciences, responsible Scientific Director)
Earlier IASS staff members in the earlier phases of the project included
- Jessica Böhme (Engineering, Coaching)
- Dr. Man Fang (Psychology, Public Administration)
- Miriam Bui (Ecology and Environmental Planning)
- Dr. Zoe Lüthi (Atmospheric Sciences)
- Melody Travers (Philosophy)
- Matthias Pommerening (Psychology)
- Zack Walsh (Religious Studies, Philosophy, Contemplative Study)
Beyond these core members from the IASS, the AMA project sees itself as hub of a self-organized emerging network hosting numerous fellows and other guests. This means that while all members of the AMA project join the project through the shared intention all team members and guests determine for themselves how the joint reflection and engagement process translates into action. An overview of the different team members’ profiles and activities is granted by the web-database.